rather be in hades
JoinedTopics Started by rather be in hades
starting fresh
by rather be in hades inwhen you left, did you feel the need to start your life over?
how did you go about reconciling who you were with how you feel now?.
better yet, for those born/raised in, how did that transition affect you and are you ok with who you used to be?.
changes since leaving the cult
by rather be in hades inlast time i was there, they had meetings for book study in individual homes.
now they have them in the halls.. i dunno how it was for many of you, but the book study i went to from...maybe 10 - 15, had "goodie night" on the first weds of the month (my bs was on weds, pun totally intended).
did they take away one of the last bastions of fun with the move to the halls?.
Oh ElderElite...
by rather be in hades inthy hero hath fallen.... i think we need football emoticons .
Recovery - why is jehovah's spirit directed organization promoting active child molestors to the body of elders?
by rather be in hades inif recovery is really interested in defending "the truth" and wants to debunk the accusations, then my suggestion is to explain my questions because lurkers are going to see this:.
irwin zalkin court documents (look in file 2a for the statement of undisputed material facts).
they'll read the documents in file 2a which were prepared by the watchtower bible and tract society themselves and they will seethese undisputed facts and this undisputed timeline of events:.
mission accomplished!
by rather be in hades init looks like the thread about stopping threads about stopping gorilla threads has been stopped.
by rather be in hades insent ya a message that will almost certainly have you thinking, "what the hades?".
that or have you crying laughing.
or both.
satan the hero?
by rather be in hades inoddball question, perhaps this has been asked a billion times, but when leaving the cult, has anyone ever thoght satan could be the hero?.
before eve took a bite from the apple (get your mind out the gutter, we're not talking abotu oral), hmans were essentially enslaved to god.. afterwards, she and adam gained new consciosness.
like unplugging from the matrix.. thoughts?.
how many of you guys were told it was a cult before joining up?
by rather be in hades inthis is more for those who were born out and converted personally.
i'm just curious if anyone was told while they were still studying if this was a cult before they got baptized.
for those of you with family members still in...
by rather be in hades inhow badly do you want to see the org die?.
would you work actively towards the end of the watchtower society even with family members still in it?.
have any of you initiated the shunning for your own piece of mind?.
the new heavens and the new earth...
by rather be in hades in...is here today.. rev 21:1-4 = then i saw a new heaven and a new earth,[a] for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.2 i saw the holy city, the new jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from god, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.3 and i heard a loud voice from the throne saying, look!
gods dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them.
they will be his people, and god himself will be with them and be their god.